Meet Rita

Rita is a carer for her partner Graham, they have no children and she is in her late 70’s. Graham, who is in is 80’s, had just started to show early signs of Dementia when Rita got in touch with CM2M. Rita and Graham worked in hosiery for many years and have many friends, they had an active social life both together and independently. Rita’s reason for contacting CM2M? “I would still like to have my own life” which summarises the challenge for so many.

Support for (women, and) men

Chris from CM2M met with Graham and Rita, at their home. Graham was, at first, resistant to the idea of needing a buddy. It was pointed out to Graham that it was Rita that needed him to have a buddy but that he would also benefit and he soon came round to the idea. CM2M was able to provide a buddy so they both can continue to live independent lives.

CM2M is a unique service providing male buddies for men over 55. Call us today on 07840584296 to arrange your free buddy introduction meeting.