Providing A Friendly Male Companion For Your Loved One So He’s Happy, Fulfilled, And Cared For

If your husband, father, brother, grandfather or male friend needs safe, supervised and genuine male friendship so you or any other family carers can relax knowing he’s in safe hands, then CM2M could help.

Do you find yourself asking any of these questions…

How do I reduce stress and anxiety for myself and my loved one?

How do I get peace of mind so I can carry on with my day knowing they are in safe hands?

Community Men 2 Men Buddying

A CM2M buddy instantly provides the solution to all these once challenging questions (and more) to both you and your loved one, giving you both much needed peace of mind. In fact, CM2M guarantees your loved one will get a hand-picked male buddy selected to match their personality and character. Your buddy will help to reduce stress and provide stimulating conversation.

Your Next Step is Free and Without Obligation…

To get that peace of mind and to arrange a FREE 2 Hour Taster Session right now simply call 07840 584 296. During the meeting we’ll discuss what support you need for your loved one, how much time each week is required, which buddy would suit them best and we’ll explain exactly how the CM2M service works to deliver complete peace of mind for both of you.

“Easing The Burden Of Care On Me”

“Since becoming a full time carer for my husband I have relied upon CM2M to provide male companionship, easing the burden of care on me. This has also enabled me to continue part time work, which has been important to my sense of wellbeing. Additional support from CM2M whilst I take my ‘carers breaks’ is also a great help to me, enabling me to get away to recharge my batteries and to return more refreshed.”

“A lifeline for us”

Our buddy has been a lifeline for us, taking Dad (with Alzheimer's) out every fortnight - giving him a safe, supervised and bespoke trip out and an important break away from the family which means Mum can have a few hours to do her own thing too! The Buddy service is excellent - everyone benefits!”

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